Protecting my Skin as I protect my Joy with @Olay!

Massive thank you to Olay for partnering with me on this blog post. All thoughts and opinions remain my own. I partnered with Olay to share some of my favorite self care practices. I have always found it interesting that one of the questions I get asked most on AND off social media, is how are you so happy all the time? I think people see me smiling and laughing and they see my demeanor as one of someone who just always feels good, confident, and happy!

And first I’m like, well, I am not happy ALL the time. It’s normal and healthy to go through different emotions as we journey through life! And as we are in the midst of a global pandemic and fighting against racism for a safer more equal world for all, it is indeed a heavy time. 

But then I also think there are absolutely some real self care practices and lifestyle practices that I do to help to encourage and protect my happiness. I came to understand and surrender myself to the power that my perspective holds. That my thoughts hold. It took a little trial and error to understand that the ways I choose to nurture myself (or don’t) can have the greatest impact on my life experience of all. I know now, that ultimately I have to let go of the things that I cannot control and be incredibly intentional with those that I can, if I want to find (and maintain) my joy.


For anyone that knows me or has even followed me for a brief time on social media, you will have quickly noticed that I am a sun baby. I, like most things in nature, grow best when nourished with sunlight + water. So, before we get into my self care practices, which *spoiler alert* include lots of opportunities for sunshine, let’s talk about skincare.

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When Olay reached out to partner on the release of their new Olay Regenerist Whip Active Moisturizer with SPF 40, I was excited to try it. I have struggled to find really good, affordable SPF Face Creams that blend in well, offer strong protection and coverage, and don’t make me break out. I, like so many others, have experienced the ones that leave your skin oily and with a purple or gray tint and it can really put you off!

Rene Daniella x Olay

I put the Olay Regenerist Whip to the test and it blended in completely within seconds of applying it! There wasn’t even the slighted tint of gray white or purple. I also didn’t have to rub it in aggressively to get it to disappear. I didn’t experience oily residue either and have been able to wear it under my make up. I made sure to use my usual setting powder to complete the make up look as I really like a matte finish, but I think even without it your make up still sets fine on top. I’ve worn it outside for runs or sun bathing in the back garden and I have yet to experience sun burn or a break out. And FYI, it’s 1.7 FL OZ so it is TSA approved for your carry on when travel resumes. SPF is honestly the most important part of your skincare routine. SPF helps prevent premature aging, sun spots, sunburn, and can even aid in preventing skin cancers by protecting your cells from exposure to damaging UVA/UVB rays!

So now let me share some of my self care practices that I turn to when my vibrations are low and I need a pick me up.

  1. Eat Well Feel Well! I honestly truly deeply believe with everything in my being, that what you eat directly impacts how you feel. Fatigue, sluggish, groggy, headaches, mood swings,  all of that can be influenced by what you have been eating. There are countless studies and documentaries telling the stories of how people have healed themselves through diets rich with nutrient dense foods such as leafy greens, colorful vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. So generally speaking, if I am feeling low energy or “a little off” I often look at what I am eating and immediately take action. I load my fridge with healthy delicious options for meals and snacks so I am able to get those benefits right away. I may reduce my alcohol intake or avoid certain foods like fried or overly process foods for a few days to give my body a chance to find some balance. I find when my body feels good, I have more energy to do things that make me happy and also more motivation, creativity, and clearer thoughts. One of my favorite ways to get healthy foods is to take a trip to my local farmers market. It makes for a lovely afternoon adventure and also helps you eat in season and support local business. During Covid-19 I have been able to find a couple and make sure to wear my mask!
  2. Get Active! Endorphins, oh how we love them. Endorphins are a “feel good” hormone your body releases when you engage in physical activity! You don’t have to do anything strenuous. You can go for a walk or dance around your living room. Physical activity also helps reduce the stress hormone cortisol. Almost daily I do something to get my heart pumping. Most often these days, its going for a run. I love it. Running has become my mental escape. I release so many emotions and really think through things that are on my mind. I also feel a great sense of accomplishment when I achieve my running goal. I know running isn’t for everyone, but for me personally, it has been such a great addition to my self care routine the last for few months. 
  3. Music feeds the soul. I couldn’t even begin to describe the ways music has served as a healer for me. Self care looks feels and sounds different for everyone, but one thing that’s pretty clear across cultures, countries, languages, religions, and generations, is that music can be a vessel for healing. I often like to start my mornings by putting on a playlist to get me moving, maybe some soca or reggae. And then sometimes if I have difficulty sleeping, I will play a mellow playlist before I go to sleep. Rain sounds or whale sounds (before you judge me, try listening to a track on Spotify haha) are my go to. Invest some time in finding playlists or artists or DJ’s that resonate with you. Maybe even have some fun putting one together. Let the tunes be the soundtrack to your self care sessions. Your relaxing bath. Your morning run. Your cooking adventures.
  4. Words are powerful. I am not someone who journals daily, but I definitely love it when I am feeling sad or uneasy. Sometimes those feelings are related to something specific that’s happened or a series of things. But sometimes they stem from a lack of focus or neglecting things that my spirit needs me to address. Either way, I find it really helps to get a pen and paper and write. I like to write out things I am grateful for when I am feeling sad. Things I love about myself when I feel doubt or like I am not enough. Goals I want to achieve when I lack motivation or clarity. Activities from my day when I just want to reflect. 
  5. Nature is the perfect escape. One of the things that attracted me most to living in Los Angeles, is all the access to nature. The mountains, the desert lands, the beaches, the hiking trails… all of it serves as a beautiful way to relax, escape, and just get in tune with nature. Working in the travel space, I always try to incorporate as much nature into the experience as possible, unless its Vegas haha. But generally, I try to schedule outdoor yoga classes, hikes, walking tours, beach days, boat days, snorkeling excursions, what ever it is, I need to experience There is a pace in nature that I feel like you immediately adjust to allowing yourself to catch your breath. There’s also no ego in nature. Everything has its place. Regardless of where you are or what activities you like, if you can find some time outdoors at parks or lakes or city gardens, do it. 
  6. Pamper me. A good beauty routine is a powerful thing! You don’t even have to spend a lot of money or go to fancy places. I like to create a little oasis at home. There’s something about a fresh wash day, new mani pedi, tidy eye brows, and clean, clear, moisturized skin that just feels gives me a major confidence boost. I’ve even noticed my mood shift just from shaving my legs if I’m honest. Every one has their thing that makes them go from feeling good to great. Identify what that is for you, and incorporate those things into your self care days. Make it a Sunday thing or a two days a week thing. What ever your schedule is, it helps to write in a time where you are going to really truly prioritize yourself. And that can be time you spend every day even. But just take time where you aren’t thinking about whats due or thing you wish were different, and instead listen to yourself, pamper yourself and tend to YOU.

So whether I am feeling down or I am feeling up, I pick things from this list above and do them every day. When you’re intentional with how you live, how you self talk, the people you surround yourself with, the things that make you grow become more of a habit than something you consciously have to do. And that’s how I would say I protect my happiness! 

Grab your Olay Regenerist Whip Face Cream at your local drugstore or supermarket and enjoy some sunshine my loves.

xx, Rene Daniella

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