So in my pursuit of skin like buttah, I found my new best friend in Curél’s Hydra Therapy Wet Skin Moisturizer which has in it a protein naturally found in your cell membranes called Ceramides.

Have you ever heard of Ceramides? I definitely hadn’t when I first came across them! But an important life lesson is, when it comes to beauty, skin care, hair products, and even personal nutrition, there are so many ingredients, buzzwords, and no-no’s out there that it will benefit you greatly to take the time to learn some of them. I am a newby when it comes to actually understanding the product ingredient lists on packaging. Like what?! What are these big words that sound like intergalactic pet names. BUT I am taking baby steps.

So here we are, Ceramides. Ceramides are proteins that reinforce the moisture barrier in your skin’s cell membrane. They sound kind of important huh? The Curél Advanced Ceramide Complex, a key ingredient in their Hydratherapy wet skin moisturizer, works to replenish your natural Ceramide levels in your skin which are affected by everything from genetics to environmental and lifestyle influences. For more information about the Curél Advanced Ceramide Complex you can check out their webtsite!

I am a huge fan of this lotion and have used it for 3 months now. I gave a bottle to a guy friend of mine who has suffered through an ongoing war between his knee’s and ashiness since we first met and LET ME TELL YOU! I see the truth! The light at the end of the tunnel came in the form of smooth, soft, naturally glowing knees for him. He thanked me for it like I gave him a new whip. I was like, I got you my brotha from anotha motha. *insert fist emoji*

So yesss, Ceramides are good. Smooth glowing skin is good. Happy friends are good. Life, is good.

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(I’m sharing Curél HYDRA THERAPY WET SKIN MOISTURIZER in my life as part of a Curél sponsored series for Socialstars™)

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